Lead Forensics

3D packing solutions save money

Matiss Rubulis of packing solutions company Optiryx, claims that warehouses can make signification cost savings by using 3D bin packing software.

Many warehouses have systems that help pickers using aisle packing trolleys to quickly and accurately locate order items which they move to a packing station where packers select the correct size dispatch box. This can be inaccurate, particularly for multi-item orders where boxes that are too large can easily be selected. Sometimes due to the size of items, an order needs to be split among several boxes. Artificial intelligence (AI) powered 3D packing software takes the guesswork out of this manual process by finding the optimal box size for goods and calculating when more than one box is required.

Another process that is often done manually is putting boxes of orders on pallets or in containers. If the number of boxes and how they are arranged is not optimal, extra pallets or containers may need to be used. 3D packing software can accurately fill pallets and containers so that there is no wasted space.

3D packing software can also help forecast future order rates and transport requirements.

Matiss Rubulis says:

“While many AI-powered solutions might sound like the future, they are not. AI-powered 3D packing solutions and many others are the present and a necessity in today’s warehousing and logistic industry.”

Transportation, labour and packing material costs have risen. Warehouse owners can reduce these costs by investing in AI powered warehouse management software that makes packing stations more efficient and productive.

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