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Garment rails manufacturers help with fluctuating demand

A constant challenge for clothing manufacturers such as Joules, Crewe, and Next is fluctuating demand. Garment rails manufacturers provide the storage solutions that deal with fluctuating demand.

The challenge

Future demand can be estimated by studying past demand, but estimating is an inexact science. There is no guarantee that the fluctuating demand patterns last year will repeat themselves. Generally, they will be similar, but anomalies occur. These could be weather related – for example, a hot summer this year compared to a cool one last year will result in demand for different types of clothes.

Fluctuating demand is a logistics challenge. If there is too much stock, much will be left unsold at the end of a season. Too little, on the other hand, and the business will be unable to meet customer demand.

When there is high demand, a lot of garment rails are needed, and fewer at slack periods. The challenge is not just about the number of rails, but the need for different types of rails. Large formal dresses, for example, requires more heavy duty garment rails with tubular steel extensions that prevent the dresses from colliding with objects when moving. Tops and skirts can be hung on rails with more than one level to maximise space. Split level rails store mixed length garments.

If demand exceeds expectations, there may not be enough storage space in the warehouse.

The solutions

There are solutions to deal with the need for extra storage space. Sometimes, a garment company will rent space in a large warehouse that several companies use with the option of renting more space if demand increases. To be flexible, they need garment rails that easily store together when they are not being used.

Collapsible garment rails that can be dismantled are another solution. The best type does not need tools to assemble and dismantle.

A larger warehouse can be bought or rented. A mezzanine floor is a solution to utilise the full height of an existing warehouse.

IT infrastructure that administers orders can be migrated to the cloud on a ‘pay as you go’ tariff so that a company only stores the data it needs according to the level of business. Cloud-based software can order extra garment rails when sales spikes occur.

The garment industry will probably always be a business with fluctuating demand, but with careful planning and the help of garment rails manufacturers, companies can deal with these inevitable ups and downs.

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