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How buying half-price clothes helps factory workers

Lost Stock has launched a new scheme that sells half-price clothing in an effort to help out-of-work clothing factory workers in Bangladesh.

Worldwide, high street fashion retailers have cancelled about $2 billion worth of orders due. Some clothes that have already been made were destined for landfills.

Whilst some furloughed workers are struggling, it is much worse for Bangladesh families who have lost their income and jobs in the clothing factories that supply the high street retailers. Unlike British workers and businesses, there is no government help for them. Many families face starvation.

To help the situation, Lost Stock is offering boxes of new clothing originally ordered by top high street fashion chains. These cost around half the retail price. Each sale supports a family of a clothing worker for a week.

The scheme operates by first asking a few questions about the fashion style the customer likes. Lock Stock then fills a box with at least three items of clothing for £35 plus shipping, approximately half the retail value. Boxes are available for men and women. Lock Stock aims to support 50,000 families by the end of 2020.

Many retailers, such as Joules and Crew Clothing, have been able to successfully continue trading by increasing online sales. From today, June 15th, fashion shops can re-open and soon it is hoped that fashion brands will start re-ordering clothes from Bangladesh to fill their heavy-duty garment rails in their warehouse and shops.

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