Packing is one of the core processes of any warehouse or distribution centre. It is where orders that are due are packaged up so that they can be delivered to the dispatch areas ready for sending out. Like all other parts of the day-to-day operations, packing must be carried out in a way that is properly organised so that you can maximise efficiency.
That means making sure that orders are packed as quickly as possible so that they can be dispatched on time, but also that they are packed carefully to avoid damage to items. Order delays or damage will cost your business both financially and in reputational terms. Getting packing right is about two things: the design and layout of the packing stations and the equipment used. The most important pieces of equipment you can have for efficiency are good quality packing tables.
What are these tables?
Packing tables are pieces of equipment that are designed specifically to enable the packaging of orders in warehouses. They come in a range of shapes, sizes and designs, but a good quality packing table will be made from sturdy, hard-wearing materials. The basic frame should be constructed out of tough metal, such as steel, so that it can withstand the bumps and bangs that are inevitable in busy warehouses. The main table surface and any storage shelves should also be solidly constructed, ideally from a material such as laminate, wood or plastic.
These are the basic elements that you should be looking for in any packing tables you buy. They need to be well constructed so that they will provide efficient service over the long-term, rather than having to be replaced within a couple of years. Beyond that though, there are particular ways in which the right table can significantly enhance the operational efficiency of your packing processes.
Checking orders are correct
The first thing that your packing station employees will be required to do is to check the packing list to ensure that they have received the correct items to pack. A table that provides them with sufficient room to study paper lists and make necessary written adjustments will save them having to move elsewhere to complete that task. Alternatively, if your packing lists are maintained digitally, a table with space for a computer monitor and printer will eliminate the need for unnecessary journeys.
Many of the packing table models that we manufacture will fit that bill. Some examples include the Processing Bench and the Computer Bench. Both feature ample table space as well as shelves and brackets for monitors and printers.
Checking items for damage
Following this, they will have to inspect each item that must be packed to ensure that it has arrived at the packing station without damage. Should an item that is part of a larger order be in damaged condition, they will have to send it back while also storing all undamaged items until a replacement is picked and sent to them. In this situation, having packing tables that can accommodate those items rather than employees having to transport them to another area of the warehouse for temporary storage will save time and energy.
The Processing Bench that we manufacture comes with additional side tables for just that sort of short-term storage.
The actual packing
Once it has been determined that packing staff have the correct items and that they are undamaged, these items must be safely packed for dispatch. This will involve materials such as cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and tape, as well as tools such as scissors. The efficiency of your packing stations will be greatly improved if employees have tables that can hold all of these within easy reach. This will limit the amount of movement needed to pack items, saving time and energy.
What that looks like in practice is a design such as the Packing Table we produce, complete with racks along the top for storing boxes, a tape roll holder underneath, a shelf for packing tools, a computer monitor bracket and printer shelf. This sort of table will allow employees to fulfil all packing tasks with minimal movement. We also provide an Adjustable Packing Bench with a similar design, which can be height-adjusted to enable workers of differing heights to work comfortably and effectively at it.
Items that have been packed must be labelled with the correct address. A packing table with printer shelf will mean that labels can printed off without workers having to travel to another part of the warehouse to do so. That will maximise packing operational efficiency.
To ensure your packing tables improve efficiency, make sure they have everything employees need to do their jobs.
At Steely Products we sell top quality tubular steel packing tables. Contact us or place an order using the form below.
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