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Ways to maximise warehouse efficiency

Getting your warehouse ready for the colder months of winter when weather conditions can impact your operation is essential. However, it doesn’t have to be a difficult task when you follow these nine useful points.

1. Prepare early

While proactive maintenance musts be a year-round priority, it becomes critical in winter months. Begin warehouse winterising as summer ends or autumn begins to ensure all is ready before colder weather kicks in. Preparing early ensures your warehouse is fully kitted out to cope the unique challenges wintery weather presents.

2. Optimise energy usage

Compared to other seasons, winter demands higher levels of energy consumption. However, ways exist to optimise a warehouse’s efficiency. Routine energy audits help spot system inefficiencies, while investing in more energy-efficient solutions assists in lowering energy usage and running costs.

For instance, High-Volume Low-Speed fans circulate warm air more evenly and eliminate cold spots while enhancing heat distribution. These fans can cut heating costs by around 20% . In winter, operating them in reverse pushes down air trapped at the ceiling. Swapping to LED lighting can also reduce energy consumption and improves visibility. Considering fitting a green roof on your warehouse can also help as it reduces how much energy is required to heat it.

3. Train employees on winter safety

Let your staff be your eyes for identifying issues by giving them sound instruction. Carry out safety training sessions regularly to educate them on potential winter hazards, best practices and prevention steps. Establish de-icing procedures and make sure staff are trained to stick to them. Create a workplace culture where employees feel at ease reporting issues like cracks, damage, and leaks. Addressing such concerns can stop more significant problems, expensive repair work and accidents.

4. Seal windows and doors

Windows and doors can let in freezing air so they must be well sealed.

5. Service ventilation and heating systems

The ventilation and heating system needs to be serviced and checked for faults. Any mould or moisture build up should be checked. Vents need cleaning and checking for damage and rust.

6. Service water tanks and air compressors

Air compressors and water tanks need checking and servicing. Make sure they are well insulated to prevent them from freezing. All water pipes need examining for leaks and damage.

7. Slip prevention

Wet or icy surfaces are a slip hazard. Workers need to wear footwear with non-slip soles. Mats placed at entrances can help prevent water from entering the warehouse on wet days. If the warehouse floor is smooth, consider adding a top layer of slip prevention material, especially in aisles where pickers walk and at packing stations. Order de-icing salt for frozen outdoor surfaces.

8. Check drainage

Drainage needs checking so that there are no leaks. Check the roof for any blockages that prevent rainwater from flowing off it.

As Christmas approaches, an additional step for many warehouses is to prepare for increased winter business. If necessary, order additional or replacement trolleys and storage racks from a warehouse equipment manufacturer.

9. Monitor weather conditions

Finally, always keep updated by following weather forecasts so you can anticipate issues arising from severe winter storms.

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